Sunday, April 22, 2012

Final: My Blog Experience

This blog experience has been interesting. I began very optimistic thinking I could every week add more sustainable activities to my schedule. This soon enough became challenging. by the fourth week I had trouble keeping up what I had decided on week one or two to do. I tried making these activities as part of my habits but adding more and more every week made it more of a chore than a habit. It was stressful trying to remember all the activities and as a result I would purposely not do them at times. It was also stressful to continuously come up with activities I could blog of. I mean let’s be realistic; any college student is extremely busy. Between classes, work, homework, family, friends, extracurricular activities, etc, I am running around all day every day of the week. Remembering more than ten rules I had set myself I wouldn’t do it’s just unrealistic.

Because of this after a few weeks, as the school semester picked up I changed my strategy. I focused on just a few activities and added one every other week, making sure to actually do them correctly. I selected activities that were easy to remember; for example taking the stairs up to my room or walking to work.  I also acted on cool ways to be sustainable that I came across while browsing on the internet. For example my blog about “sustainable wardrobe” I was not planning on cleaning my closet but as soon as I came across this article it seemed like a fun and cool way to change my ways.

Besides choosing activities and coming across a few on the internet, I also decide to bring back sustainable activities from my past. My blog about “recyclable paper” was something I used to do as a hobby when I was younger. I always had a good time making it and I had just forgotten all about it. the recyclable paper seemed like a great hobby to bring back now that I have countless paper to dispose of. Especially now that I am graduating and I have to send many “thank you” cards to the people that attend my graduation party, what better way that to make them out of recyclable paper.

If I could change this assignment in any way instead of just blogging about sustainable activities I would give more liberty to the writer. I would’ve liked to be able to write about more than just myself. For example, I work at UBS bank and I love how sustainability is advertised everywhere around the offices. Where the printers are located, around the garbage cans and the kitchen, there are sign with different ways you can be sustainable. For example next to the printer there is a sign that says “Think about it, do you really have to print it? if so, can it be double sided?”  these quotes make everyone think about their actions and helps them be sustainable. I would’ve had liked to be able to write about anecdotes like that’ it would’ve had made the assignment more enjoyable.

Overall, even though the assignment had its flaws, I did in the end become more sustainable. I also became more aware of my actions and help others change theirs. I think that was the most important thing rather than the blogs itself.

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